The available information relates to offences recorded in the Tamworth crime and disorder reduction partnership area and is given in the following table.
A number of changes have been made to recorded crime in response to suggestions in the two reviews of crime statistics in 2007. One such change is that the term ‘violent crime’ is no longer used in connection with the recorded crime statistics and we now provide figures for violence against the person. In addition, a new offence group of ‘offences against vehicles’ has also been created. This group includes offences of theft of and from a vehicle, aggravated vehicle taking and interfering with a motor vehicle.
Violence against the person Offences against vehicles1 Robbery Burglary 2006-07 2,214 965 77 838 2007-08 1,798 900 64 791 1 Includes offences of theft of and from a vehicle, aggravated vehicle taking and interfering with a motor vehicle.