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Dental Services: Bexley

Volume 479: debated on Monday 1 September 2008

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many treatments in each treatment band were carried out by NHS dentists in the London Borough of Bexley in each of the last five years. (220393)

Information is not available in the format requested. The classification of courses of treatment (CoTs) into bands was introduced with the new dental contractual arrangements on 1 April 2006. It is therefore not possible to provide the information requested prior to April 2006.

Information on the number of CoTs by treatment band, in England, for the first two quarters of 2007-08 is available in Tables Al and A2 of Annex 4 of the report “NHS Dental Statistics for England: Quarter 3: 31 December 2007”. Information is provided by strategic health authority (SHA) and by primary care trust (PCT). Information for quarter three of 2007-08 is available in Table Al of Annex 3 of the aforementioned report. Information is provided by SHA and by PCT. This report, published on 5 June 2008, has already been placed in the Library and is also available at:

Information on the number of CoTs by treatment band, in England, for 2006-07 is available in Table A2 of Annex 3 of the report “NHS Dental Statistics for England: 2006-07”. This shows the total number of CoTs for the year, by treatment band and is provided by SHA and by PCT. The report, published on 23 August 2007, has already been placed in the Library and is also available at:

Information for the full year 2007-08, including updated quarterly information to account for CoTs reported late, will be available in the report “NHS Dental Statistics: 2007-08”, which is due to be published by the Information Centre for health and social care on 21 August 2008.

Under the old dental contractual arrangements, in place up to and including 31 March 2006, information on the number of claims by treatment type is available in Annex D of “NHS Dental and Activity and Workforce Report, England: 31 March 2006”. Information is provided for 2005 and 2006, by SHA. This information is not comparable with data collected under the new dental contractual arrangements. The report, published on 23 August 2006, has already been placed in the Library and is also available at:

The aforementioned reports have been published by the Information Centre for health and social care.