Expected underspends in individual annual country budgets are re-allocated to other programmes within the same financial year. If this is not possible, the underspends contribute to the Department’s End of Year Flexibility entitlement.
The following table shows underspends and overspends against budget for country programmes for the financial years 2003-04 to 2007-08.
£000 (Over)/under spend 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Africa East and Central Africa Ethiopia (10,395) (6,746) 1,682 2,969 443 Tanzania (2,319) (6,052) 801 636 819 Sudan 9,345 859 (11,535) (304) (12,151) Democratic Republic of the Congo 8,843 (8,458) 2,708 (15,803) 2,679 Uganda 8,507 2,046 3,263 1,816 8,076 AED Other (11,713) (9,820) (17,614) 12,552 391 Kenya 999 (2,151) (14,019) (10,615) 5,332 Somalia — — — — 3,779 Rwanda 6,866 1,397 (22,128) 858 (6,061) Burundi — — (2,362) 179 4,571 Total 10,133 (28,925) (59,204) (7,712) 7,878 West and Southern Africa Nigeria (2,876) (193) (10,852) (1,227) 18,029 Ghana (1,022) (4,945) (15,287) 1,913 (16,549) Malawi 3,893 (8,059) (6,014) 2,117 3,247 Mozambique (2,608) (2,618) (1,437) (9,331) 3,273 Sierra Leone (2,160) (5,239) 6,207 (4,799) (12,219) Zambia (664) 1,755 (6,928) 729 1,910 Zimbabwe 852 3,783 2,164 940 (1,223) Southern Africa Regional (inc Lesotho, Angola) (7,637) (1,453) 7,216 1,753 13,329 South Africa — — (9,543) 612 (5,707) Liberia — — — — 2,105 Lesotho 189 — — — — Total (12,033) (16,969) (34,474) (7,293) 6,195 Pan-Africa Strategy and Programmes Africa-ATP — (2,644) — — — Africa Regional Budget 8,000 10,756 29,342 10,778 15,102 Humanitarian Assistance 1,185 14,488 3 4,198 (837) Other (3,245) — — — 2,247 Africa Policy Fund (7,014) (10,816) 682 (8,147) 2,943 Total (1,074) 11,784 30,027 6,829 19,455 Africa total (2,974) (34,110) (63,651) (8,176) 33,528 South Asia India (17,425) (7,751) (1,938) 1,245 3,814 Bangladesh 7,700 (2,962) 1,427 584 (14,808) Afghanistan 3,396 (9,142) 3,494 3,442 (1,697) Pakistan (2,221) 31,656 4,149 1,631 7,695 Nepal (1,778) 1,650 (1,535) 2,029 (10,989) Asia Regional Policy and Programmes (14,552) 1,544 9,275 14,674 (3,875) Sri Lanka — — — (2,323) 980 Asia Reserve (inc Post Tsunami Rehab) — 15,000 — — — South Asia total (24,880) 29,995 14,872 21,282 (18,880) Europe, Middle East Americas, Central and East Asia Europe/Central Asia EU Accession/Pre Accession Countries (756) (459) (169) — — Central Asia, South Caucasus, Moldova (1,769) (1,958) 1,486 1,396 2,062 Balkans 803 2,522 (1,449) (26) 687 ECAD Regional 2,500 — — — (83) Ukraine 255 1,222 (474) (704) 73 Russia (2,498) 923 (71) 14 125 Total (1,465) 2,250 (677) 680 2,864 Americas/Overseas Territories Latin America (529) (2,597) (465) 336 234 Caribbean 1,254 603 (451) 4,230 (574) Overseas Territories (341) 137 (1,535) (3,241) (2,049) Latin America -ATP — — — — 14 Total 384 (1,857) (2,451) 1,325 (2,375) Middle East/North Africa Yemen 1,575 1,131 164 (438) (3) Palestinian Authority 4,132 (856) (5,157) 39 (18,002) Middle East Regional 787 (260) (158) (59) (34) UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (4,646) 202 15 — — Iraq (4,656) (3,296) (1,174) 2,084 1,319 Total (2,808) (3,079) (6,310) 1,626 (16,720) EMAD Regional Programmes Research/Consultancy/EMAP Regional 22 (89) 107 (7,291) 8,175 EBRD subscription (Capital) (778) 331 174 — — Other (25,990) 6,000 — — — Total (26,746) 6,242 281 (7,291) 8,175 South East Asia China 4,348 (7,465) 564 (3,416) 24 Vietnam — — (330) 500 (341) South East Asia (3,938) 2,864 4,497 9,982 (2,468) Total 410 (4,601) 4,731 7,066 (2,785) Total Europe, Middle East, Americas, Central and East Asia (30,225) (1,045) (4,426) 3,406 (10,841) Total—country/regional programmes (58,079) (5,160) (53,205) 16,512 3,807