Funding in support of sports for disabled people, and for disabled athletes is provided by Sport England and UK Sport. Sport England and UK Sport have advised that detailed breakdowns of funding for individual athletes could be provided only at disproportionate cost, but they have provided figures for overall grants in each year since 1997 as follows:
Sport England
Financial year Sport Total (£) 1997-98 Disability sports 2,529,705 1998-99 Disability sports 1,356,236 1999-2000 Disability sports 6,570,802 2000-01 Disability sports 1,821,324 2001-02 Disability sports 7,096,401 2002-03 Disability sports 726,763 2003-04 Disability sports 5,405,069 2004-05 Disability sports 1,735,983 2005-06 Disability sports 343,254 2006-07 Disability sports 70,409 2007-08 Disability sports 636,903 2008-09 Disability sports—Playground to Podium 4,516,781 Grand total 32,809,630
Exchequer funding for disability sports since 1997 is as follows:
Financial year Organisation Total (£) 1997-98 English Federation of Disability Sport 1— 1998-99 English Federation of Disability Sport 1— 1999-2000 English Federation of Disability Sport 1— 2000-01 English Federation of Disability Sport 1— 2001-02 English Federation of Disability Sport 1— 2002-03 English Federation of Disability Sport 1,050,000 Panathlon Foundation 243,000 2003-04 English Federation of Disability Sport 1,050,000 Panathlon Foundation 12,000 2004-05 English Federation of Disability Sport 1,050,000 Panathlon Foundation 10,000 National Council for School Sport 10,000 London Sports Forum for Disabled People 2,000 2005-06 English Federation of Disability Sport 1,010,333 2006-07 English Federation of Disability Sport 951,066 English Federation of Disability Sport 476,033 2007-08 English Federation of Disability Sport 1,100,000 Grand total 6,964,432 1 No records
UK Sport
Lottery Exchequer National governing body Athletes personal award National governing body Total (£) 1997-98 222,000 487,000 0 709,000 1998-99 839,000 1,500,000 0 2,339,000 1999-2000 1,592,000 1,870,000 0 3,462,000 2000-01 1,689,000 1,862,000 0 3,551,000 2001-02 2,094,000 1,532,000 26,000 3,652,000 2002-03 2,182,000 1,566,000 50,000 3,798,000 2003-04 2,278,000 1,562,000 40,000 3,880,000 2004-05 2,356,000 1,681,000 40,000 4,077,000 2005-06 3,041,000 1,239,000 329,000 4,609,000 2006-07 3,612,000 1,793,000 1,226,000 6,631,000 2007-08 2,610,000 2,319,000 3,075,000 8,004,000 Total 22,515,000 17,411,000 4,786,000 44,712,000