Promotional campaigns, including those using advertising, are funded from the Department’s central Advertising and Publicity Budget and from individual programme budgets held by policy directorates.
Advertising is part of a full integrated promotional campaign. The question refers specifically to advertising and we have been able to separate the Department’s spend on advertising, as this is centrally placed through the Central Office of Information. The cost of recruitment advertising for the Department has not been included as it is not possible to establish a definitive figure, except at disproportionate expense. The Department’s advertising spend and that of its predecessor (DFES) since 2004 is set out as follows, with a breakdown of individual campaigns. All figures exclude VAT.
Campaign title Media total (£) EMA 2004/05 3,853,254 Sure Start Month 2004/05 127,002 Adult Basic Skills Gremlins 2004/05 4,664,833 Teenage Pregnancy (DFES) 2004/05 980,127 Student Finance 2004/05 886,727 Fast Track Teaching 2004/05 69,342 Foundation Degrees 2004/05 483,463 DFES Childcare 2004/05 281,269 Need to Know 2004/05 275,116 DFES Parents Centre 2004/05 172,284 DFES total 11,793,417
Campaign title Media total (£) DFES Sure Start 2005/06 2,527 EMA 2005/06 1,261,310 Teenage Pregnancy 2005/06 1,298,991 Childcare Recruitment 05/06 590,758 DFES Adult Basic Skills—Gremlins 2005/06 1,514,280 DFES Adult Basic Skills—Gremlins Miscellaneous 2005/06 125,687 Student Finance 2005/06 2,130,459 DFES Parents Centre 2005/06 142,771 ECM Press Advertising 2005/06 1,984 Foundation Degrees 2005/06 634,353 Fast Track Teaching 2005/06 17,806 DFES Parenting Franchise (Direct Gov Launch) 2005/06 439,878 DFES Education and Learning—Launch Campaign 2005/06 85,479 Need to Know 2005/06 53,971 DFES total 8,300,254
Campaign title Media total (£) Student Finance 2006/07 2,476,295 Adult Basic Skills 06/07 1,805,199 Teenage Pregnancy 2006/07 1,533,980 Childcare Recruitment 2006/07 404,664 Children and Young People’s Workforce Insert 2006/07 45,123 Drugs—Frank 2006/07 (Home Office project also) 245,629 Total 6,510,890
Campaign title Media total (£) Childcare 2007/08 134,943 City Challenge 2007/08 52,707 DCSF Sponsored Parenting Phase 1 2007/08 24,568 STEM 2007/08 285,075 MFL 2007/08 87,209 School Food Trust 2Q07/08 377,419 Frank 2007/08 (DCSF only) 632,533 Teenage Pregnancy 2007/08 1,499,163 Skills Pledge June 2007 34,781 Diplomas 2007/08 1,459,491 Total 4,587,889
Campaign title Media total1 (£) Diplomas 2008/09 867,615 Who Do We Think We Are 2008/09 2,433 National Year of Reading 2008/09 108,984 Teenage Pregnancy 2008/09 291,616 DCSF—MFL 2008/09 854,408 DCSF Summer Holidays Affordable Childcare 2008/09 202,543 DCSF Media Only Campaigns 2008/09 19,973 Total 2,347,572 1 2008/09 figures refer to costs invoiced to date and not actual DCSF spend.