As of 31 August 2008, 36,661 offenders have been placed on the end of custody licence scheme (ECL), of whom 1,244 have been recalled to custody, as notified to the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) by 19 September 2008. During the same period, there have been 723 alleged further offences committed by 529 offenders during their period of ECL. 1 per cent. of offenders have allegedly re-offended during their period of ECL.
The following table gives a breakdown of those offenders notified to NOMS by 22 October 2008 as having allegedly committed a further offence of violence against the person during their period on ECL.
Alleged further offence Number of alleged further offences Murder 3 Attempted murder 0 Manslaughter and other homicide 0 Wounding 8 Other violence against the person 170 Total 181
Aggregate data on ECL release and recall, which has been published monthly since the scheme began, can be found at:
Data for the month of September, including recalls notified to NOMS by the end of 17 October 2008, will be published on 31 October 2008.