Of the 584 training exercises scheduled to take place in 2008, 55 have been cancelled (9.4 per cent.); reasons for each cancellation are listed as follows.
Ser Exercise name Start End Reason for cancellation 1. Lion Sun 12—07/08 1 January 20008 29 February 2008 Savings Measure 1. Lion Sun 13—07/08 1 January 2008 29 February 2008 Savings Measure 1. Snow Falcon 08 10 January 2008 25 January 2008 Savings Measure 1. Red Flag 08-2.1 13 January2008 26 January 2008 Alternative exercise opportunity pursued 1. Oak Apple 24 January 2008 5 April 2008 Kenyan domestic instability 1. Grand Prix 3—07/08 28 January 2008 20 March 2008 Kenyan domestic instability 1. Lion Sun 14—07/08 1 February 2008 31 March 2008 Savings Measure 1. Red Flag 08-2.2 2 February 2008 15 February 2008 Alternative exercise opportunity pursued 1. Noble Midas 4 February 2008 16 February 2008 Airframe availability 1. Druids Dance 9—07/08 18 February 2008 9 March 2008 Re-programming removed need for exercise 1. Green Flag West 08-4 20 February 2008- 7 March 2008 Alternative exercise opportunity pursued 1. Lone Fin 08 5 March 2008 16 March 2008 Savings measure 1. Grand Prix 1—08/09 10 March 2008 26 April 2008 Kenyan domestic instability 1. Spontex 08-1 12 March 2008 23 March 2008 No aircraft availability 1. Makran Osprey 31 March 2008 11 April 2008 Political instability in Pakistan forced withdrawal of the AIR component and made the Ex untenable 1. Bald Eagle 08/09 1 April 2008 1 May 2008 No unit available l. Lion Sun 1—08/09 18 April 2008 16 May 2008 Savings Measure 1. Sphinx 21 April 2008 30 April 2008 No AAR available 1. Lion Sun 2—08/09 25 April 2008 23 May 2008 Savings Measure 1. Bass Rock 08/09 1 May 2008 1 October 2008 Exchange. Cancelled at Canadian request 1. Fingals Cave 08/09 1 May 2008 1 October 2008 Exchange. Cancelled at Canadian request 1. Flying Rose 2—08/09 1 May 2008 1 October 2008 Exchange. Cancelled at US request 1. Mulberry Tree/Prickly Pear 08/09 1 May 2008 1 October 2008 Exchange with US. Cancelled by mutual agreement due to lack of available forces on either side 1. Stoney Run 08/09 1 May 2008 1 October 2008 Exchange ex—UK leg went ahead but US leg cancelled due to unavailability of AT 1. Winged Star 08/09 1 May 2008 1 October 2008 Airborne focused exchange. Neither UK nor US airborne forces available due to ops 1. Lion Sun 3—08/09 30 May 2008 27 June 2008 Savings Measure 1. 150 Tpt Regt(V) Obua Trg 31 May 2008 1 June2008 Trg area unavailable 1. Frukus 1 June 2008 28 June 2008 Russia/Georgia dispute resulted in cancellation 1. Blue Flag 2 June 2008 13 June 2008 Cancelled by host nation (USA) 1. Elite 2 June 2008 18 June 2008 Savings measure 1. Loyal Arrow 16 June 2008 27 June 2008 Ex cancelled by NATO 1. Coop Mako 08 19 June 2008 30 June 2008 Cancelled by sponsor 1. Lion Sun 4—08/09 20 June 2008 18 July 2008 Savings Measure 1. Batus Run 23 June 2008 29 June 2008 Change to dates prevented Air participation 1. Lion Sun 5—08/09 27 June 2008 25 July 2008 Savings Measure 1. Uhlan Eagle 08/09 1 July 2008 30 July 2008 Re-programming removed need for exercise 1. Trg weekend 150 Tpt Regt (V) 14 July 2008 15 July 2008 Trg area unavailable 1. First Jog 15 July 2008 17 July 2008 Ex Objs reached in an earlier exercise 1. Lion Sun 6—08/09 18 July 2008 15 August 2008 Savings Measure 1. Lion Sun 7—08/09 25 July 2008 22 August 2008 Savings Measure 1. Lion Sun 8—08/09 15 August 2008 12 September 2008 Savings Measure 1. Lion Sun 9—08/09 22 August 2008 19 September 2008 Savings Measure 1. Outreach 4—Georgian Express 1 September 2008 1 October 2008 Russian-Georgian hostilities 1. Slovak Hawk 1 September 2008 8 September 2008 Budget cuts 1. Tricolour 3—08/09 1 September 2008 1 October 2008 No unit available 1. Lion Sun 10—08/09 12 September 2008 10 October 2008 Savings Measure 1. Lion Sun 11—08/09 19 September 2008 17 October 2008 Savings Measure 1. Log Provider 08 22 September 2008 3 October 0208 Operational Commitments 1. Sapper Sands 29 September 2008 10 October 2008 Unit unavailable 1. Trg Ex—75 Engr Regt (V) 11 October 2008 12 October 2008 Operational Commitments 1. Trg Ex—75 Engr Regt (V) 25 October 20-08 26 October 2008 Operational Commitments 1. Trg Ex—75 Engr Regt (V) 30 October 2008 31 October 2008 Operational Commitments 1. Uhlan Barbara 08/09 1 November 2008 25 November 2008 Re-programming removed need for exercise 1. Flotex Silver 24 November 2008 5 December 2008 Host nation reduced scale of Ex to National only, cancelling INVITEX component 1. White Phoenix 1 December 2008 5 December 2008 Training moved to early 2009