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In exercising their planning functions local planning authorities are required to have regard to the Government's overarching planning policy on parking which is set out in Planning Policy Guidance note 13: “Transport” (PPG13).
PPG13 is clear that local authority policies in preparing their development plans should set maximum levels of parking for broad classes of development, including residential and non-residential development, and that there should be no minimum standards for development, other than parking for disabled people.
All Regional Spatial Strategies currently, in effect, contain policies relating to parking standards for (a) residential and (b) non-residential development. Whether these standards are treated as maximums or not depends on the region. These parking standard policies are informed by PPG 13 Transport and PPS3 Housing.
North East—Policy 54
The RSS does not define the maximum parking standards for residential and non-residential development, it is the LDF which sets these standards so as to reflect local circumstances.
North West—Policy RT2
The maximum parking standards cover non-residential developments only.
Yorkshire and Humber—Policy T2
The maximum parking standards cover non-residential developments only.
East Midlands—Policy 47
The maximum parking standards cover non-residential developments only.
West Midlands—Policy T7
The RSS does not define the maximum parking standards for residential and non-residential development; it is the LDF which sets these standards so as to reflect local circumstances.
East of England—Policy T14
The RSS defines the maximum parking standards for residential and non-residential development as set out in PPG 13 Transport; but it is the LDF which interprets these standards so as to reflect local circumstances.
South East—Policy T12
The RSS states that local parking standards set out in LDFs for residential and non-residential development have to be line with PPG 13 Transport.
South West—Policy RTS3
The maximum parking standards cover non-residential developments only.
London—Policies 3C.23 and C3.24
The London Plan does define the maximum parking standards for residential, and non-residential development; the boroughs should interpret these standards so as to reflect local circumstances.