Directgov's core usage measure is visits rather than unique users. Monthly visits for 2008 are shown as follows:
Month Visits (million) 2004 January n/a February n/a March n/a April n/a May 0.4 June 0.6 July 0.8 August 0.8 September 0.8 October 0.9 November 0.9 December 0.8 Total 2004 6.0 2005 January 1.3 February 1.2 March 1.2 April 1.4 May 1.4 June 1.2 July 1.3 August 1.5 September 1.8 October 2.0 November 2.0 December 1.4 Total 2005 17.7 2006 January 2.2 February 2.1 March 2.9 April 2.4 May 2.7 June 2.7 July 2.7 August 3.0 September 3.4 October 3.5 November 3.5 December 2.6 Total 2006 33.7 2007 January 4.1 February 4.1 March 5.3 April 4.6 May 5.2 June 5.5 July 5.5 August 5.4 September 5.6 October 6.1 November 6.1 December 4.4 Total 2007 61.9 2008 January 8.1 February 7.2 March 8.4 April 8.2 May 7.1 June 7.8 July 7.9 August 10.1 September 11.3 October 11.3 November 11.0 December n/a Total 2008 (up to November) 98.4 Note: Figures for 2008 include an adjustment for electronic vehicle licensing (from August).
Directgov has unique user statistics for part of our site but does not yet measure unique users for all our sub domains.
The Directgov Motoring section and electronic vehicle licensing (eVL) were the sub-sites that received the most direct visitors and recorded the most online transactions in the last 12 months.
We are looking at how we might make citizens who complete a transaction on one of these sub-sites aware of what else Directgov has to offer. This is relatively simple to do but requires the Departments who manage the content or own the transaction on the sub-sites to include the necessary changes to allow us to advertise other services.
One area in which we have seen a degree of success is the Act on CO2 campaign. The offline advertising calls for citizens to search online for the campaign without mentioning Directgov. Yet we know that about a fifth of people accessing the Act on CO2 campaign site have come from a promotion on the main Directgov website suggesting that they found the campaign while looking at something else on Directgov.