The British National Formulary (BNF) classifies anti-depressant drugs within section 4.3. The following table shows the net ingredient cost for drugs within this section that have been prescribed in Bexley Care Trust, which covers the London borough of Bexley. As this information is available for the most recent 60 months at any one time, figures exist only for four complete financial years (April to March inclusive).
Financial year Primary care trust name BNF section name Net ingredient cost (£) 2004-05 Bexley Care Trust Antidepressant Drugs 1,119,010 2005-06 Bexley Care Trust Antidepressant Drugs 895,117 2006-07 Bexley Care Trust Antidepressant Drugs 810,164 2007-08 Bexley Care Trust Antidepressant Drugs 763,942 Source: Prescribing Analysis and Cost Tool (ePACT).