Statistics are only available from Q3 2007 on a consistent basis and no sub-national information is available for “hotels”. The following table records the number of hotels that have entered into compulsory liquidation, creditors' voluntary liquidation or administration in each quarter since 2007 Q3 in England and Wales as a whole.
Insolvency procedure 2007 Q3 2007 Q4 2008 Q1 2008 Q2 2008 Q3 Compulsory liquidation 6 8 7 12 n/a Creditors' voluntary liquidation 10 8 3 11 13 Administration 0 4 8 5 2 Note: 1. There have been changes over recent years to the classification and extent of sectoral information collected and analysed. Consistent data are only readily available on a quarterly basis from 2007 Q3. 2. Industry-level data are not currently available on a regional basis. 3. Data for compulsory liquidations for 2008 Q3 are not yet available. 4. Companies may enter consecutively into more than one type of insolvency procedure. For example, an establishment may enter into administration, but subsequently become the subject of a creditors' voluntary liquidation. This means that counts should not be summed to a total number of company insolvencies in the sector. 5. Figures for corporate receiverships, and for small business bankruptcies among hotel proprietors are not included in the above figures.