(2) how many boys in care achieved three A grades at A Level in the last year for which figures are available;
(3) how many 16 to 17 year olds in care attended a sixth form college;
(4) how many children in care received an A grade in (a) mathematics, (b) physics, (c) chemistry, (d) further mathematics, (e) history, (f) French and (g) German A Level in each of the last five years.
The OC2 data collection collects information on a range of outcomes for looked after children from local authorities. This information has been published in the Statistical First Release ‘Outcome Indicators for Children Looked After, Twelve months to 30 September 2007–England’ (SFR 08/2008), which is available on the Department's website via the following link:
Information on attainment in schools can be found in tables B and C; however these only cover key stages 1-4. Information on attainment for looked after children aged 16-18 (including the attainment in different subjects) or the number attending sixth form college are not collected centrally by the Department.