Over the past four years the Department has recruited the following numbers of people into the fast stream.
2007-08—12 new fast streamers (five external and seven in-service)
2006-07—34 new fast streamers (27 external and seven in-service)
2005-04—37 new fast streamers (31 external and six in-service)
2004-05—37 new fast streamers (27 external and 10 in-service)
The starting salaries of people joining the fast-stream as a Higher Executive Officer (Development) from outside the Home Office is as follows:
£ 2007-08 25,046 2006-07 23,566 2005-06 22,978 2004-05 22,289
The fast stream is open to all staff between Administrative Assistant and Senior Executive Officer grades.
Statistics on intake into the fast stream as a whole are published annually on the Cabinet Office website. Copies are available in the Library for the reference of Members.