The number of veterans belonging to the Armed Forces Pension Schemes (AFPS) 1975 and 2005 as at 31 March 2008 is shown in the following table.
Pension scheme Pensioners1 Deferred2 AFPS 1975 363,087 — AFPS 2005 674 — Gurkhas and Minor Schemes 26,488 — Total 390,249 324,002 1 Pensioners are those who have left the service, their spouses and dependants, who are in receipt of a pension. 2 Deferred are preserved pensions that are payable when an individual reaches the age of 60 (AFPS 1975) or 65 (AFPS 2005). A separate breakdown of personnel who are deferred members of AFPS 1975, AFPS 2005 and the Gurkhas and Minor Schemes cannot currently be provided.