The UK Border Agency adopts an intelligence-led approach to operations. The number of UK Border Agency enforcement operations that have taken place on Saturdays or Sundays in each month to end September 2008, broken down by each region of the UK Border Agency is detailed in the following table.
The data provided are management information. They may be subject to change and do not represent published national statistics.
Command January February March April May June July August September Total London and South East (L and SE) 193 161 212 28 34 56 76 45 26 831 Midlands and Eastern (M and E) 40 33 39 7 8 14 10 15 9 175 North East (NE) 33 23 22 7 16 22 8 13 5 149 North West (NW) 32 14 24 8 11 12 6 10 8 125 Scotland and Northern Ireland (S and NI) 10 11 14 12 11 11 8 14 5 96 South West and Wales (SW and W) 0 2 2 5 4 0 6 0 0 19 Total 308 244 313 67 84 115 114 97 53 1,395 Note: All data are sourced from the National Operations Database (NOD) or Crime Management Information (CMI) system. The NOD/CMI is a management information tool and data from it are not quality assured under National Statistics protocols. Figures provided from the NOD/CMI do not constitute part of National Statistics and should be treated as provisional.