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Regional Improvement Efficiency Partnerships

Volume 486: debated on Thursday 15 January 2009

To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many staff are employed by regional improvement efficiency partnerships (RIEPs) in each region; and how many staff in each RIEP work on cohesion-related issues. (245532)

Information on staff employed by regional improvement efficiency partnerships (RIEPs) is not held centrally. The National Improvement and Efficiency Strategy devolves responsibility to RIEPs for identifying where resources should be spent and using their resources in the best way to obtain the help they may need to assist councils and support to drive LAA outcomes. This is in line with the 2006 Local Government White Paper’s aim to devolve power to local areas and the communities they represent and so improve local service delivery and quality of life for local people.

To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how much each regional improvement efficiency partnership will spend on cohesion and integration issues in (a) 2008-09 and (b) each of the following two years. (245533)

Information on how much the regional improvement and efficiency partnerships will spend on cohesion and integration issues is not held centrally. The National Improvement and Efficiency Strategy devolves responsibility to RIEPs for identifying where resources should be spent and using their resources in the best way to obtain the help they may need to assist councils and support to drive LAA outcomes. This is in line with the 2006 Local Government White Paper’s aim to devolve power to local areas and the communities they represent and so improve local service delivery and quality of life for local people.