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UK Border Agency: Airwave Service

Volume 486: debated on Thursday 15 January 2009

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many Airwave handsets issued to the UK Border Agency have been lost in each year since their introduction; and how many handsets issued to the Agency have been disabled by the service provider through (a) loss, (b) breakage and (c) other reasons in each such year. (246188)

Airwave handsets were introduced to the UK Border Agency in 2006. The number of handsets issued to the agency that have been disabled due to loss, or other reasons were: one in 2006; seven in 2007; and one in 2008.

Additionally, the number of handsets that were reported lost, temporarily disabled on network, then subsequently found and reactivated on the network were: four in 2006; 12 in 2007; and two in 2008.