The information requested is outlined as follows.
(a) Gender
Gender Total Percentage Female 38,715 47.6 Male 42,684 52.4 Grand total 81,399 100
(b) Ethnicity
Ethnic Grouping Total Percentage Asian or Asian British—Bangladeshi 232 0.3 Asian or Asian British—Indian 1,239 1.8 Asian or Asian British—Other 332 0.5 Asian or Asian British—Pakistani 364 0.5 Black or Black British—African 1,004 1.5 Black or Black British—Caribbean 1,223 1.8 Black or Black British—Other 222 0.3 Chinese or Other—Chinese 72 0.1 Chinese or Other—Other 507 0.7 Mixed—Other 302 0.4 Mixed—White and Asian 177 0.3 Mixed—White and Black African 75 0.1 Mixed—White and Black Caribbean 205 0.3 White—British 32,506 47.7 White—Irish 478 0.7 White—Other 29,280 42.9 Total declared 68,218 83.8 Total undeclared 13,181 16.2
(c) Age
Age Banding (years) Total Percentage 16 to 19 635 0.8 20 to 24 5,109 6.3 25 to 29 8,002 9.8 30 to 34 7,227 8.9 35 to 39 10,020 12.3 40 to 44 13,274 16.3 45 to 49 12,615 15.5 50 to 54 10,464 12.9 55 to 59 8,466 10.4 60 to 64 4,897 6.0 65+ 690 0.8 Grand total 81,399 100
(d) Disability
Disability category Total Percentage Declared disabled 2,416 5 Declared non-disabled 45,732 95 Total declared 48,148 59 Total status undeclared/no response 33,251 41
(e) and (f) Sexual Orientation and Religion
We currently collect data on sexual orientation and religion for new recruits and therefore the data only covers a very small proportion of staff. The MOJ is exploring ways in which we can extend this data collection to existing employees in line with the Cabinet Office “Promoting Equality, Valuing Diversity”.
Assessment against targets
This is the first set of figures provided for the new Department, which shows good progress towards reflecting the society we serve. The data gathered will be used as a benchmark to assess and measure our continual progress.
The MOJ fully recognises the business case for diversity and is strongly committed to improving the diversity of its people resource. To that end we have in place initiatives designed to help us recruit, develop and retain talented and diverse staff.