There have been three external reports into maternity services at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust in the last two years. These include the Yorkshire and the Humber Local Supervising Authority Supervision and Midwifery Practice Audit 2007-08, the Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts (CNST) pilot assessment against the revised CNST Maternity Clinical Risk Management Standards in September 2008 and the Healthcare Commission Review of Maternity Services 2007.
Full copies of the resulting reports can be obtained direct from the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.
It is the responsibility of strategic health authorities to performance manage primary care trusts and NHS trusts on behalf of the Department against local operational plans.
The Department does not hold information about complaints received at individual NHS organisations. This information can be obtained from the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust directly.
Due to the way in which correspondence is logged, details regarding complaints received by the Department about maternity services at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust can be obtained only at disproportionate cost.