The information requested can be provided only at a disproportionate cost. The information relating to the proportion of pupils achieving A*-C in one Modern Foreign Language GCSE in 2008 is available in the following table:
IDACI decile Number of pupils achieving A*-C in one Modern Foreign Language Percentage of pupils achieving A*-C in one Modern Foreign Language 0 -10% most deprived 10,023 14.6 10-20% 11,101 17.5 20-30% 11,708 19.8 30-40% 13,077 22.8 40-50% 14,350 25.5 50-60% 15,914 29.1 60-70% 17,506 32.1 70-80% 19,352 35.0 80-90% 21,800 38.5 90-100% least deprived 26,299 45.4 1 Provisional. Source: National Pupil Database