[holding answer 15 December 2008]: The Olympic Delivery Authority through their development manager and preferred developer, Lend Lease, have reviewed with modular building contractors and volumetric building contractors the use of their products in the development of the Olympic village. The selected procurement and delivery route involves the use of factory prepared modular building components to be assembled on site within a site prepared structural frame.
[holding answer 15 December 2008]: The viability of using modular construction methods has been assessed in some detail. Many elements of the project have been considered for modular construction techniques, and many are being implemented. Elements considered include:
Facade Cladding Panels
Stairs and landings
Bathroom Pods
Services/Utility cupboard
Internal Walls
Fit out pre-packaged ceilings, floors, doors and joinery.
Prefabricated Multi service Vertical Risers
Prefabricated Multi service Horizontal distribution runs
Service Distribution Modules
Roof Plant Modules
All of these elements are being developed in modular form to varying degrees for incorporation into the final product.
[holding answer 15 December 2008]: The costs of developing the Olympic village are currently being reviewed taking into account elements of modular construction as appropriate. As the costs are the subject of sensitive commercial negotiations it would not be appropriate to disclose costings at this time.
The substantial progress that has been made both in the delivery of the venues and infrastructure and in the raising of funds to support the staging of the games means that, while recognising the risks, we remain in a strong position to manage delivery on time and on budget.
Progress across the whole Olympics programme is reported on a monthly basis to the Olympic board, including red, red/amber, amber green and green ratings against each element of the programme, including venues in terms of budget and time.