From information held centrally by the core-Department, the following expenditure was incurred on visits to Brussels in the financial year April 2007 to March 2008:
Air spend Rail spend Q1: April to June 2007 6,127.67 83,055.00 Q2: July to September 2007 3,312.93 49,527.00 Q3: October to December 2007 5,678.04 73,429.00 Q4: January to March 2008 2,542.03 83,067.00
From information held centrally by the core-Department, the number of visits to Brussels in the financial April 2007 to March 2008 was as follows:
Number of air tickets Number of rail tickets Q1: April to June 2007 34 465 Q2: July to September 2007 21 285 Q3:October to December 2007 34 427 Q4: January to March 2008 16 481
All travel by civil servants is undertaken in accordance with the guidelines set out in the Civil Service Management Code and departmental travel policy, which specifies the use of rail travel from London to Brussels, and London to Paris. Staff travelling outside of London are encouraged to explore rail over air travel where possible.