(2) what the (a) turnover and (b) profit of the Geomatics Group was in 2007-08; and if he will make a statement.
The current anticipated total turnover of the Geomatics Group is:
£ 2008-09 4,789,000 2009-10 4,330,000 2010-2011 4,113,000
This includes work undertaken for the rest of the Environment Agency, which Geomatics makes no profit from. The level of profit on work undertaken for external customers is commercially confidential.
The total turnover of the Geomatics Group in 2007-08 was £3,565,000.
Geomatics Group is a business unit within the Environment Agency and therefore 100 per cent. was transferred to the Environment Agency.
This information is commercially confidential, as releasing it could give a commercial advantage to other organisations.