The table shows the total Lottery income and the amount of Lottery money drawn down by Arts Council England for each complete financial year, since the distributing body’s inception. Drawdown from the National Lottery Distribution Fund (NLDF) is used to pay funds to successful grant applicants and meet administrative expenses.
The figures are taken from the NLDF Annual Accounts. Figures are rounded to the nearest £1,000.
Financial year Total income Drawdown 1994-95 48,894,000 865,000 1995-96 255,292,000 39,828,000 1996-97 262,109,000 134,147,000 1997-98 293,619,000 316,128,000 1998-99 232,099,000 320,057,000 1999-2000 202,349,000 208,815,000 2000-01 200,113,000 218,912,000 2001-02 207,923,000 218,287,000 2002-03 177,770,000 178,533,000 2003-04 161,124,000 182,631,000 2004-05 169,169,000 219,984,000 2005-06 171,941,000 191,968,000 2006-07 149,330,000 147,152,000 2007-08 151,450,000 151,310,000