The International Passenger Survey, which randomly samples passengers entering and leaving the United Kingdom by air, sea or through the Channel Tunnel, groups St. Helena with the dependencies of Ascension Island and Tristan da Cunha, so there is no individual estimate for this individual island.
In 2007, 1,416 visits to the United Kingdom from these British Overseas Territory islands were recorded by the International Passenger Survey.
There is no recorded information from the International Passenger Survey for 2006 and 2008.
My Department has not had discussions with Treasury on this matter but meets regularly with VisitBritain and hosted a National Tourism Summit in Liverpool on 8 January to consider the ways in which the effects of the economic downturn on tourism can be minimised. VisitBritain will publish its strategic review on tourism support in February 2009 and we are confident this will improve their ability to market Britain internationally and England at home. Recently, VisitBritain and VisitEngland launched a £6.5 million ‘Value for Money Campaign’. This will build on the current domestic and international Enjoy England Campaign, which positions England and Britain as good value destinations.