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Tax Credit

Volume 486: debated on Thursday 15 January 2009

To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many people claimed (1) working tax credits in (a) Jarrow constituency, (b) South Tyneside, (c) the North East and (d) the UK in each year since their inception; (247498)

(2) child tax credits in (a) Jarrow constituency, (b) South Tyneside, (c) the North East and (d) the UK in each year since their inception.

Estimates of the average number of families benefiting from tax credits in each Government office region, local authority and parliamentary constituency, based on final family circumstances and incomes, are available in the HMRC publication “Child and Working Tax Credits Statistics. Finalised annual awards. Geographical analyses”, for each relevant year. These publications are available on the HMRC website at:

HMRC do not produce these statistics separately for child tax credit and working tax credit.