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Asylum Seekers: Homelessness

Volume 486: debated on Thursday 15 January 2009

To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government how many (a) asylum seekers and (b) failed asylum seekers are registered as homeless in (i) Leeds and (ii) the UK. (247884)

Communities and Local Government does not collect information on asylum seekers or failed asylum seekers who are homeless. Communities and Local Government collects data from all local housing authorities in England about their activities under the homelessness legislation (part 7 of the Housing Act 1996), including the number of applicants accepted as statutorily homeless, but these data do not identify whether those accepted as statutorily homeless may be asylum seekers. Asylum seekers who claimed asylum after 2 April 2000 are not eligible for assistance under the homelessness legislation; neither are failed asylum seekers.