(2) in how many personal injury cases the Compensation Recovery Unit (CRU) identified that insurance companies had failed to report settlement of a claim to the CRU in (a) 2005, (b) 2006 and (c) 2007;
(3) what steps the Compensation Recovery Unit has taken to ensure that insurance companies report promptly all personal injury claims which are settled (a) out of court, (b) in court by negotiation and (c) by judgment.
The Compensation Recovery Unit have not identified any cases where insurance companies failed to report settlement of a claim. The Social Security Administration Act 1992 Section 110, gives DWP inspectors the right to examine the records of compensators and employers to verify that they are complying fully with the provisions of the Social Security (Recovery of Benefits) Act 1997. We work closely with the Association of British Insurers and other insurance associations and we scrutinise claims. There has been nothing to date to indicate enforcement action is required on compliance, although we continue to monitor the position.