The available information relates to offences recorded by the police and data is given in the tables for 1998-99 to 2007-08. A number of changes have been made to recorded crime in response to suggestions in the two reviews of crime statistics. One such change is that the term ‘violent crime’ is no longer used in connection with the recorded crime statistics and we now provide figures for violence against the person.
In 1998-99, the recorded crime coverage was extended and substantial revisions were made to the counting rules. Figures prior to that date are therefore not directly comparable and could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
Number of offences Year and police force area Theft of a vehicle Aggravated vehicle taking Theft from a vehicle Interfering with a motor vehicle Total offences against vehicles Burglary in a dwelling Aggravated burglary in a dwelling Total burglary in a dwelling Most serious violence Other violence Total violence against the person 1998-99 Dyfed-Powys 854 129 1,497 91 2,571 965 8 973 120 4,560 4,680 Gwent 3,457 144 6,145 419 10,165 3,347 30 3,377 275 11,080 11,355 North Wales 1,934 182 5,138 340 7,594 2,431 18 2,449 112 4,591 4,703 South Wales 17,955 616 18,110 121 36,802 9,170 69 9,239 739 10,622 11,361 1999-2000 Dyfed-Powys 759 109 1,335 261 2,464 686 10 696 109 5,410 5,519 Gwent 3,250 143 5,714 501 9,608 3,127 21 3,148 286 13,488 13,774 North Wales 2,175 135 5,191 375 7,876 2,201 18 2,219 118 5,621 5,739 South Wales 15,246 604 17,203 1,317 34,370 8,315 68 8,383 891 11,999 12,890 2000-01 Dyfed-Powys 584 88 897 147 1,716 550 11 561 64 4,130 4194 Gwent 2,934 140 5,033 484 8,591 2,557 16 2,573 294 13,896 14190 North Wales 1,734 152 5,278 603 7,767 2,118 17 2,135 97 5,222 5319 South Wales 11,491 575 14,249 963 27,278 6,626 59 6,685 824 12,411 13235 2001-02 Dyfed-Powys 735 106 1,209 165 2,215 713 1 714 98 5,418 5516 Gwent 2,474 136 4,406 674 7,690 2,540 20 2,560 291 8,893 9184 North Wales 1,769 180 5,712 646 8,307 2,387 20 2,407 139 7,210 7349 South Wales 10,918 639 14,324 996 26,877 6,789 56 6,845 912 13,496 14408 Note: The data in this table is prior to the introduction of the National Crime Recording Standard. These figures are not directly comparable with those for later years.
Number of offences Year and police force area Theft of a vehicle Aggravated vehicle taking Theft from a vehicle Interfering with a motor vehicle Total offences against vehicles Burglary in a dwelling Aggravated burglary in a dwelling Total burglary in a dwelling Most serious violence Other violence Total violence against the person 2002-03 Dyfed-Powys 720 113 1,195 209 2,237 660 6 666 101 6,116 6,217 Gwent 2,878 168 5,286 1,212 9,544 2,981 20 3,001 406 14,613 15,019 North Wales 1,885 202 6,006 974 9,067 3,201 26 3,227 177 11,295 11,472 South Wales 11,150 694 18,579 3,279 33,702 8,019 41 8,060 1,157 19,269 20,426 2003-04 Dyfed-Powys 676 119 1,530 179 2,504 934 10 944 76 7,833 7,909 Gwent 3,336 171 5,416 1,520 10,443 3,178 21 3,199 348 12,583 12,931 North Wales 1,848 190 5,575 900 8,513 2,450 34 2,484 146 10,833 10,979 South Wales 9,212 581 17,289 4,001 31,083 7,220 55 7,275 1,122 20,073 21,195 2004-05 Dyfed-Powys 620 107 1,604 132 2,463 1,036 6 1,042 90 8,225 8,315 Gwent 3,013 176 5,394 1,483 10,066 2,565 18 2,583 396 12,496 12,892 North Wales 1,521 219 3,609 830 6,179 1,559 26 1,585 197 11,824 12,021 South Wales 6,838 498 15,456 3,187 25,979 6,431 46 6,477 1,079 19,028 20,107 2005-06 Dyfed-Powys 506 113 1,250 148 2,017 797 4 801 134 7,577 7,711 Gwent 2,511 183 5,656 1,233 9,583 2,157 20 2,177 452 11,051 11,503 North Wales 1,359 127 2,671 471 4,628 1,271 14 1,285 220 12,110 12,330 South Wales 6,339 557 16,538 3,156 26,590 5,699 48 5,747 932 20,116 21,048 2006-07 Dyfed-Powys 493 95 1,417 188 2,193 765 5 770 118 7,576 7,694 Gwent 2,433 200 4,972 932 8,537 2,196 20 2,216 423 11,294 11,717 North Wales 1,454 153 2,697 767 5,071 1,188 12 1,200 173 14,250 14,423 South Wales 5,991 493 16,221 2,923 25,628 6,362 30 6,392 865 18,968 19,833 2007-08 Dyfed-Powys 472 133 1,350 138 2,093 747 4 751 103 5,853 5,956 Gwent 1,924 170 4,317 649 7,060 2,380 14 2,394 369 9,829 10,198 North Wales 998 136 2,150 380 3,664 1,150 25 1,175 153 10,955 11,108 South Wales 5,411 400 14,226 2,037 22,074 6,953 25 6,978 917 21,197 22,114 Note: The data in this table takes account of the introduction of the National Crime Recording Standard in April 2002. These figures are not directly comparable with those for earlier years.