Care and maintenance of the Wales Office's two offices (one in London and one in Cardiff) were, until 2005-06, managed by the Welsh Assembly Government. Specific costs for the Wales Office were not systematically identified.
Since 2005, the premises have been managed within the Ministry of Justice (previously the Department for Constitutional Affairs). The following tables give the available information by year for maintenance, decoration, and other improvements.
£ 2004-05 97,388 2005-06 42,972 2006-07 59,707 2007-08 35,843
£ 2003-04 5,121 2005-06 — 2006-07 65,364 2007-08 —
Improvement works (the 2005-06 figure includes £79,809 to replace a lift to meet health and safety and disabled access standards. The 2007-08 figure includes the cost of specialist exterior stonework cleaning of the listed London building, which was recommended on heritage preservation grounds).
£ 2005-06 85,238 2006-07 13,819 2007-08 77,042
We have no wallpaper. There are no plans for further spending on departmental decoration at this time.