The MOD collates, on a quarterly basis, management information on “fit for task”, which provides a measure of the medical fitness of all trained armed forces personnel. These figures are broken down into three categories: Medically Fully Fit, Medically Not Fully Fit and Medically Unfit. It should be noted that the majority of those personnel who fall under the category of Medically Not Fully Fit remain fit enough to work in some capacity and therefore continue to make a contribution to operational effectiveness, often within theatres of operation.
Information from the last four quarterly returns of those personnel within the Naval Service and RAF are shown as follows. Personnel numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, and percentages rounded to one decimal point:
Number Percentage of total trained strength Number Percentage of total trained strength 2007-08 Q3 Fully Fit for Task 31,350 89.6 36,880 89.0 Not Fully Fit for Task 3,530 10.1 4,330 10.5 Unfit for Task 100 0.3 200 0.5 Q4 Fully Fit for Task 31,130 88.9 36,010 88.9 Not Fully Fit for Task 3,790 10.8 4,290 10.6 Unfit for Task 90 0.3 210 0.5 2008-09 Q1 Fully Fit for Task 30,610 88.1 35,540 88.7 Not Fully Fit for Task 3,970 11.4 4,340 10.8 Unfit for Task 100 0.3 160 0.4 Q2 Fully Fit for Task 30,330 88.0 35,010 88.5 Not Fully Fit for Task 4,060 11.8 4,390 11.1 Unfit for Task 80 0.2 180 0.4
The Army currently collates quarterly figures only for its deployable elements, rather than for its total trained strength. This provides snapshot figures of Personnel Unable to Deploy (PUD), though many of these will be able to undertake non-deployed duties. The following table provides the figures for 2008 of the number of personnel recorded as unable to deploy for medical reasons. Personnel numbers are rounded to the nearest 10, and percentages rounded to one decimal point:
1 March 2008 1 June 2008 1 September 2008 1 December 2008 Personnel in Deployable Units 70,230 69,700 72,780 73,240 Medical PUD 3,810 3,610 3,780 3,900 Percentage of Deployable Element 5.4 5.2 5.2 5.3
The MOD is in the process of introducing a new and more accurate data-capture system, which will enable it to report validated, comparable data on a tri-service basis.