We do not have access to estimates of discards by nation for nations other than the UK. However estimates of total international discards, which include estimates of discards for all fleets fishing in the North sea, are available. These can be compared with the estimates of discards by UK fleets to determine the contribution of UK and other fleets to the total quantities discarded.
Estimated discards (tonnes) of North sea cod, haddock and whiting: (Estimates are given for vessels registered in Scotland (Sco), England, Wales and Northern Ireland (EWN) and for all international fleets combined (Total Int)).
Sco EWN Total Int. Sco EWN Total Int. Sco EWN Total Int. 1998 10,287 — 40,500 35,134 — 45,160 8,861 — 13,000 1999 2,991 — 14,200 35,270 — 42,598 15,563 — 24,000 2000 4,141 — 13,700 39,745 — 48,770 16,211 — 23,000 2001 4,440 — 13,900 86,297 — 118,225 8,869 — 16,000 2002 1,519 — 5,700 32,196 — 45,857 8,315 — 18,000 2003 1,086 — 6,400 18,555 — 23,691 5,931 — 24,000 2004 1,266 430 5,800 12,834 371 15,551 5,765 2,023 14,000 2005 1,169 604 6,300 7,412 168 8,637 5,547 683 11,000 2006 1,671 581 8,100 14,671 310 17,908 4,457 1,385 10,000 2007 11,892 221 23,600 24,671 322 31,048 3,383 541 6,000