From the central records that are available, (i) there are seven 0845 telephone numbers services administered by the Department for public use. These are
0845 015 0010: BERR Publications Orderline
0845 015 0020: BERR Publications Orderline (Fax)
0845 015 0030: BERR Publications Orderline (Minicom)
0845 019 0001: Personnel Training Services Consortium
0845 600 0678: National Minimum Wage
0845 600 9006: Business Link Helpline
0845 955 5105: Employment Agency Standards.
The Department does not operate any revenue-sharing numbers. No records are held to show if the Department has ever used or benefited financially from revenue-sharing numbers in the past five years.
No telephone information is available from BERR's central records on the use of 0844/5 and revenue-sharing numbers by its contracted service providers
The Department has no immediate plans to use 03 prefixed numbers.