In 2007, the period for when latest data are available, the number of employees who were trade union members in the United Kingdom was approximately seven million.
In terms of the proportions, 28.0 per cent. of all employees were union members in the United Kingdom. The proportion of trade union members, broken down by the main industry groups and ranked from lowest to highest, is shown in the following table.
Industry Percentage Hotels and restaurants 4.9 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 7.9 Real estate and business services 10.2 Wholesale, retail and motor trade 11.3 Construction 15.5 Other services 18.6 Manufacturing 21.8 Financial Intermediation 22.3 Mining and quarrying 23.1 Transport, storage and communication 40.1 Health and social work 43.4 Electricity, gas and water supply 45.6 Education 55.3 Public administration and defence 56.8 1 Excludes members of the armed forces. Source: Labour Force Survey, Office for National Statistics