(2) how many (a) oncologists and (b) trainee oncologists specialising in breast cancer there are in each region.
The number of oncologists and trainee oncologists in each region is shown in the following tables. The NHS Workforce Census does not identify the area of specialty for oncologists or trainee oncologists.
Number (headcount) Clinical oncology Clinical radiology Of which: Of which: All staff Consultant Doctors in training and equivalents All staff Consultant Doctors in training and equivalents England 1,055 506 464 3,150 2,086 1,009 Q30 North East 48 26 17 152 101 51 Q31 North West 115 62 46 456 311 141 Q32 Yorkshire and The Humber 114 57 51 344 216 127 Q33 East Midlands 89 44 40 228 146 79 Q34 West Midlands 84 45 30 296 215 7 Q35 East of England 137 68 59 273 186 80 Q36 London 209 82 120 683 401 273 Q37 South East Coast 46 31 13 153 19 20 Q38 South Central 94 48 38 253 164 81 Q39 South West 119 43 50 312 217 80 Special Health Authorities and other statutory bodies — — — — — —
Haematology Histopathology Of which: Of which: All staff Consultant Doctors in training and equivalents All staff Consultant Doctors in training and equivalents England 1,360 680 52 637 1,111 502 Q30 North East 58 31 24 93 64 29 Q31 North West 129 68 48 24 152 86 Q32 Yorkshire and The Humber 115 52 54 181 117 63 Q33 East Midlands 86 42 38 114 76 38 Q34 West Midlands 129 63 58 164 122 0 Q35 East of England 93 56 25 149 112 32 Q36 London 377 169 184 321 22 106 Q37 South East Coast 54 39 12 109 71 36 Q38 South Central 92 4 33 129 83 43 Q39 South West 125 70 41 133 102 29 Special Health Authorities and other statutory bodies 102 46 5 — — —
Medical oncology Palliative medicine Of which: Of which: All staff Consultant Doctors in training and equivalents All staff Consultant Doctors in training and equivalents England 614 225 326 444 202 176 Q30 North East 25 10 15 27 18 6 Q31 North West 97 47 43 54 21 26 Q32 Yorkshire and The Humber 69 26 38 90 22 54 Q33 East Midlands 14 1 8 42 19 17 Q34 West Midlands 43 13 24 2 16 22 Q35 East of England 50 26 14 45 19 15 Q36 London 205 62 125 52 36 12 Q37 South East Coast 31 12 19 18 10 3 Q38 South Central 34 1 19 46 20 17 Q39 South West 46 17 21 28 21 4 Special Health Authorities and other statutory bodies — — — — — —
Urology Of which: All staff Consultant Doctors in training and equivalents England 148 528 740 Q30 North East 74 30 31 Q31 North West 199 69 98 Q32 Yorkshire and The Humber 14 57 80 Q33 East Midlands 94 32 50 Q34 West Midlands 143 63 67 Q35 East of England 163 58 75 Q36 London 303 9 174 Q37 South East Coast 139 46 69 Q38 South Central 87 33 43 Q39 South West 109 41 53 Special Health Authorities and other statutory bodies — — — 1 Doctors in Training and Equivalents is the term used to refer to people in the registrar group, foundation year 2 staff, senior house officers, house officers and foundation year 1 staff and other staff in equivalent grades who are not in an educationally approved post. — = denotes zero Notes: Data Quality: Workforce statistics are compiled from data sent by more than 300 NHS trusts and primary care trusts (PCTs) in England. The NHS Information Centre for health and social care liaises closely with these organisations to encourage submission of complete and valid data and seeks to minimise inaccuracies and the effect of missing and invalid data. Processing methods and procedures are continually being updated to improve data quality. Where this happens any impact on figures already published will be assessed but unless this is significant at national level they will not be changed. Where there is impact only at detailed or local level this will be footnoted in relevant analyses. Source: The Information Centre for health and social care Medical and Dental Workforce Census