The following table provides the number of full and part-time qualified teachers employed in local authority maintained nursery/primary and secondary schools in England who left the profession with less than 10 years recorded service, in each year 1987-88 to 2006-07, the latest information available.
Teachers are counted irrespective of whether they were leaving service permanently.
Nursery/primary Secondary 2006-073 7,090 8,370 2005-063 7,980 9,220 2004-05 7,940 8,450 2003-04 8,250 8,280 2002-03 9,000 8,510 2001-02 7,290 7,560 2000-01 7,540 7,710 1999-2000 7,410 7,150 1998-99 7,560 7,060 1997-98 6,680 6,020 1996-97 5,820 5,490 1995-96 6,030 6,210 1994-95 5,840 5,470 1993-94 5,930 7,330 1992-93 6,460 6,010 1991-92 6,990 6,600 1990-91 7,870 8,180 1989-90 6,500 8,280 1988-89 6,220 8,900 1987-88 5,990 9,280 1 10-20 per cent. of all part-time teachers who were in service at the beginning of each year shown may not be included in the data. 2 Teacher is no longer in service in the English maintained schools sector and may be teaching in FE/HE sectors or in other countries. 3 Provisional. Note: Figures are rounded to the nearest 10. Source: Database of Teacher Records