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Homes and Communities Agency

Volume 487: debated on Thursday 29 January 2009

To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government which members of the Homes and Communities Agency board have made a declaration of political activity. (251803)

This information is already in the public domain, the Communities and Local Government press notice dated 17 October 2008 refers to it:

To ask the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government what plans the Homes and Communities Agency has to buy land. (251820)

The new Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), which was established on 1 December 2008, is the Government's key delivery partner in relation to housing and regeneration. It has the ability to acquire land in support of its statutory objects and in accordance with priorities established through its corporate planning process. The HCA can acquire land for a range of purposes, for example to unlock sites in fragmented ownership or to provide access enabling development to proceed.

In addition, the HCA is responsible for the management of the programme for the delivery of more and better homes on surplus public sector land, with a target of 200,000 homes by 2016, of which the aspiration is that up to 50 per cent. of homes delivered will be affordable homes. The HCA is working closely with landowning Departments to ensure that land is coming forward.

In the current market, however, we are keeping all options under constant review and both my Department and the HCA are actively engaged in discussions with the industry.