The following tables provide information on the number of work permits approved and Worker Registration Scheme certificates issued by occupation category. We are unable to provide an indication of the percentage of the relevant work force they constitute as data are not held on the size of each work force.
Occupation 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total Acupuncturist 10 25 35 40 25 40 20 20 20 230 Assistant dentist 160 115 140 105 70 20 30 20 5 655 Assistant optometrist 0 1— 1— 1— 0 0 0 1— 0 5 Biomedical scientist 15 45 90 100 110 120 135 100 75 785 Chiropodist/podiatrist 10 10 5 5 5 1— 1— 1— 1— 45 Chiropractor 55 40 15 25 25 25 25 25 10 245 Dental anaesthetist 1— 10 15 5 5 5 5 1— 0 45 Dental nurse 0 20 40 40 40 100 60 45 40 380 Dental surgeon 195 260 275 225 160 175 215 155 120 1,785 Dietician 20 40 70 50 55 45 30 20 20 350 Doctor 0 840 2,440 3,265 4,315 3,880 3,035 910 750 19,435 Foundation programme doctor 0 0 0 0 0 0 355 220 130 705 Hospital consultant 0 30 75 140 170 95 80 50 50 690 Medical practitioner 580 940 605 410 205 95 55 35 55 2,975 Midwife 90 90 95 100 85 85 70 90 65 780 Nurse 15,040 24,265 28,640 29,490 29,095 22,580 13,615 8,520 7,060 178,305 Occupational therapist 115 165 250 205 235 250 180 155 120 1,680 Optician 90 120 105 90 90 75 80 45 30 735 Other health/medical occupation 3,345 3,800 7,005 10,670 13,670 10,030 6,495 3,350 2,470 60,845 Pharmacist 580 575 620 620 645 585 660 685 685 5,655 Physiotherapist 195 325 425 440 460 410 305 245 130 2,935 Psychiatrist 120 220 240 215 190 140 110 40 20 1,295 Psychologist 55 45 65 65 45 40 30 20 10 375 Radiographer 75 165 400 435 510 450 345 445 250 3,075 Senior carer 0 0 0 0 0 1,870 5,690 2,250 2,660 12,465 Senior house officer 0 0 0 0 0 0 640 345 55 1,045 Social worker 185 380 640 940 1,050 945 785 570 450 5,955 Specialist registrar 0 0 0 0 0 0 595 250 155 1,000 Speech therapist 50 80 70 65 40 45 35 35 15 440 Total 20,990 32,605 42,350 47,755 51,305 42,115 33,675 18,655 15,455 304,910 Note: Work permit approvals includes all work permit application types—including work permit extensions, change of employment and technical changes to existing work permits and therefore does not equate to the number of individuals to whom permits were issued. The figures do not equate to the number of individual nationals because they include those applications approved to extend or amend an existing permit or where the individual has moved to another job with a different employer. Additionally, not all of those who are granted a permit take up the job, some may be refused entry clearance or further leave to remain.
Occupation 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total Alternative/complementary medicine specialist 5 10 5 5 5 35 Anaesthetist 30 65 35 15 25 170 Care assistants and home carers 2,860 6,880 6,285 4,340 2,410 22,775 Chiropodist 0 0 0 1— 0 1— Consultant, hospital 20 105 50 50 30 255 Dental hygienist 15 30 10 15 5 80 Dental nurse 85 130 110 65 35 420 Dental practitioner 20 235 85 30 10 385 Dietician 1— 0 0 1— 1— 5 Doctor (hospital) 60 230 250 205 120 860 General practitioner 15 50 35 25 10 130 Manager, care home 5 10 5 10 10 40 Manager, health and social services 15 25 20 55 25 135 Midwife 1— 5 1— 1— 1— 5 Nurse 35 125 120 90 60 425 Nursing auxiliaries and assistants 135 145 150 75 65 570 Optician 20 10 15 15 5 65 Pharmacist/pharmacologist 40 135 210 220 130 730 Physiologist 1— 5 5 5 0 10 Physiotherapist 10 25 20 10 5 70 Psychiatrist 5 15 25 5 5 45 Psychologist 5 5 1— 1— 1— 15 Researcher (medical) 30 110 100 110 85 430 Residential wardens and Houseparents 45 60 55 70 55 285 Social Worker 55 145 115 50 25 390 Surgeon 10 35 15 15 5 75 Technician, medical 25 65 75 125 70 360 Ward Sister 5 1— 5 5 1— 15 Warden (care home) 15 15 20 10 10 65 Total 3,560 8,660 7,820 5,620 3,200 28,855 1 Indicates one or two Notes: 1. The figures are for initial applications only; they do not include multiple applications, where an individual is doing more than one job simultaneously nor re-registrations, where an individual has changed employers. 2. Data presented up to the same period as the current published Accession Monitoring report. 3. Figures are rounded to nearest five. 4. Because of rounding figures may not add up to totals shown.
The figures quoted are not provided under National Statistics protocols and have been derived from local management information and are therefore provisional and subject to change. The occupational categories used are not compatible with the Standard Occupational Classification.