First aid training is delivered as part of the Initial Police Learning and Development Programme (IPLDP), which is compulsory for all student police officers. The first aid module of IPLDP exceeds Health and Safety Executive recommendations for an ‘Appointed Persons’ first aid course.
Specific reference to diabetes (which may be mistaken for drunkenness) is covered in two sets of student notes that deal with legislation, policy and guidelines (LPGs). These are:
LPG1.3.16 Drunkenness in a public place, and
LPG1.5.10 Liquor licensing
Both of these subject areas are mandatory for student officers and optional for police community support officers. Attention is drawn to the fact that a person who is drowsy and smells of alcohol may also be suffering from diabetes, epilepsy, head injury, drug intoxication, overdose or stroke.
It is the responsibility of all police officers and staff to comply with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 Code C—Code Of Practice For The Detention, Treatment And Questioning Of Persons By Police Officers when dealing with casualties who are detained in police custody.