Over 90,000 people have found work to date through local employment partnerships (LEPs). The following table shows the number of people who found employment through LEPs in the 2007-08 operational year ending March 2008, and for each of the three following quarters ending June, September and December. The number of people given face-to-face help in Jobcentre Plus offices is shown by Jobcentre Plus Region; those helped following telephone contact with Jobcentre Plus are shown separately in the contact centre totals. An evaluation of the policy will examine sustained employment.
Numbers finding work through local employment partnerships during: period to end-March 2008 quarter ending June 2008 quarter ending Sept 2008 quarter ending Dec 2008 Total finding work to December 2008 East Midlands 68 552 1,452 3,808 5,880 East of England 84 320 2,094 3,111 5,609 London 1,453 1,932 5,916 8,295 17,596 North East 295 632 1811 4,601 7,339 North West 210 1,222 3,097 6,371 10900 South East 132 376 1,705 3846 6,059 South West 98 412 1,473 3,455 5,438 West Midlands 248 951 3,685 5,469 10,353 Yorkshire and the Humber 255 698 3,179 4,351 8,483 Scotland 713 3,197 4,307 4,620 12,837 Wales 346 689 2,138 3,333 6,506 Contact centre total 9 23 1,043 1,884 2,959 National total 3,911 11,004 31,900 53,144 99,959 Source: Jobcentre Plus administrative data
(2) how his Department determines the (a) amount and (b) timing of funding to businesses within a local employment partnership;
(3) how much has been paid by his Department to businesses in local employment partnerships in each year since such partnerships were established, broken down by (a) Jobcentre Plus district and (b) reason for payment.
Businesses do not receive funding through local employment partnerships. Local employment partnerships (LEPs) are an enhanced way of working between the Government and employers. Each agreement is different and arrangements for LEP measures will be responsive to local circumstances. Jobcentre Plus works in partnership with existing structures including, local authorities, Cities Strategy Pathfinders, The Learning and Skills Council, Train to Gain, training providers and further education colleges to provide opportunities for help and training to assist people make the transition from benefit into work.