Since 2004-05, the number of physical assaults against staff reported by NHS bodies in England has been collected annually by the National Health Service Security Management Service. The number of physical assaults reported against staff in ambulance trusts in the period 2005-06 to 2007-08 are shown in the following tables.
2005-06 Number Avon Ambulance Service NHS Trust 32 Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Ambulance and Paramedic Service NHS Trust 23 Coventry and Warwickshire Ambulance NHS Trust 31 Cumbria Ambulance Service NHS Trust 5 Dorset Ambulance NHS Trust 20 East Anglian Ambulance NHS Trust 36 East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust 53 Essex Ambulance Service NHS Trust 6 Gloucestershire Ambulance Services NHS Trust 4 Greater Manchester Ambulance Service NHS Trust 112 Hampshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust 28 Hereford and Worcester Ambulance Service NHS Trust 15 Kent Ambulance NHS Trust 16 Lancashire Ambulance Service NHS Trust 9 Lincolnshire Ambulance and Health Transport Service NHS Trust 17 London Ambulance Service NHS Trust 325 Mersey Regional Ambulance Service NHS Trust 47 North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust 46 Oxfordshire Ambulance NHS Trust 4 Royal Berkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust 10 South Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust 14 Staffordshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust 15 Surrey Ambulance Service NHS Trust 30 Sussex Ambulance Service NHS Trust 21 Tees East and North Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust 41 Two Shires Ambulance NHS Trust 9 West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust 46 West Yorkshire Metropolitan Ambulance Service NHS Trust 29 Westcountry Ambulance Services NHS Trust 44 Wiltshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust 16 Total ambulance sector assaults reported in 2005-06 1,104
Number East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust 74 East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust 77 Great Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust 34 London Ambulance Service NHS Trust 297 North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust 39 North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust 166 South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust 38 South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust 81 South Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust 47 Staffordshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust 11 West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust 99 Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust 43 Total ambulance sector assaults reported in 2006-07 1,006
Number East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust 59 East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust 84 Great Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust 23 London Ambulance Service NHS Trust 673 North East Ambulance Service NHS Trust 43 North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust 234 South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust 50 South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Trust 69 South Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust 38 West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust 147 Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust 45 Total ambulance sector assaults reported in 2007-08 1,465 Note: On 1 July 2006, the 30 NHS ambulance trusts in England merged to create 12 reconfigured trusts. On 1 October 2007, Staffordshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust merged with the West Midlands Ambulance Service Trust. The total number of reported assaults before and after mergers are shown against the reconfigured trusts as they were at the end of the reporting years.