[holding answer 2009]: The following table provides numbers of work permits issued to nationals from each African country for occupations containing the word ‘nurse’ or ‘doctor’ for the period 1 January 2007 to 31 December 2008.
Country Doctor Nurse Total Botswana 2— 75 75 Burundi 2— 1— 1— Cameroon 5 55 60 Congo 1— 5 5 Egypt 90 1— 95 Gambia 2— 15 15 Ghana 15 415 430 Kenya 5 205 210 Lesotho 5 60 65 Liberia 2— 1— 1— Libya 10 2— 10 Malawi 1— 85 90 Mauritius 1— 295 295 Mozambique 2— 1— 1— Namibia 2— 30 30 Nigeria 50 870 915 Rwanda 2— 5 5 Seychelles 2— 10 10 Sierra Leone 2— 35 35 Somalia 2— 1— 1— South Africa 250 950 1,205 Sudan 35 2— 35 Swaziland 2— 45 45 Tanzania 1— 30 35 Togo 2— 1— 1— Uganda 5 60 65 Zaire 2— 1— 1— Zambia 2— 265 265 Zimbabwe 10 2,185 2,195 Total 485 5,700 6,185 1 Indicates one or two 2 Indicates nil Notes: 1. The figures do not equate to the number of individual nationals who were granted permits because they include those applications approved to extend or amend an existing permit or where the individual has moved to another job with a different employer. Not all those who were granted a permit took up the job and some may have been refused entry clearance or further leave to remain. 2. The term doctors/nurses refers to the occupation description containing the word ‘nurse’ or ‘doctor’. 3. Numbers exclude persons admitted under the highly skilled migrant programme or the points-based system. 4. Figures are rounded to nearest five 5. Because of rounding figures may not add up to totals shown.
The figures quoted are not provided under National Statistics protocols and have been derived from local management information and are therefore provisional and subject to change. Industry sectors used are not consistent with the Standard Industrial Classification.