Information on the total amount spent on careers advice is not collected. Young people and adults receive careers advice from a range of sources including from learning providers, Connexions services, nextstep and the Careers Advice Service. Funding for learning providers does not include a sum ring-fenced for careers advice.
(a) Connexions services advise young people on a range of issues including careers. Prior to 2001, careers services provided advice and guidance on careers and related issues. Funding has been provided to Connexions/careers services as set out in the following table.
Funding 1997-98 £192 million to careers services 1998-99 £210 million to careers services 1999-2000 £223 million to careers services 2000-01 £233 million to careers services 2001-02 £110 million to Connexions £173 million to careers services 2002-03 £337 million to Connexions £52 million to careers services 2003-04 £439 million to Connexions 2004-05 £458 million to Connexions 2005-06 £464 million to Connexions 2006-07 £466 million to Connexions 2007-08 £467 million to Connexions 2008-09 £469 million to Connexions
(b) Prior to 1999, the delivery of careers advice to adults was largely delivered by local initiatives and no information was collected on funding for careers advice within these. The information and advice for adults programme began in April 1999. Responsibility for planning and funding the adult information and advice service transferred to the Learning and Skills Council (LSC) in April 2001. Funding allocated for the adult information and advice service includes delivery of the local face to face service through nextstep, Careers Advice Service (formally learndirect careers advice), development projects and quality assurance arrangements.
Funding 1999-2000, 2000-01 and 2001-02 £54 million across the three years 2002-03 £54 million 2003-04 £58 million 2004-05 £58 million 2005-06 £63 million 2006-07 £63 million 2007-08 £63 million 2008-09 £72 million