(2) how long employees of his Department will have in which to make decisions on their re-employment under the procurement success review proposals;
(3) whether the new Director’s post will be advertised under the job matching process;
(4) who the members of the job matching panel will be; and what powers the panel will have;
(5) whether senior managers who are required to take jobs at a lower grade level as a result of reclassification will be entitled to maintain their current level of pay; and what information has been supplied to such managers on the matter;
(6) what information has been given to employees on the appeals procedure relating to the reclassification of grades;
(7) whether public interest transfer terms will apply in circumstances where a post is relocated as part of the review.
The availability of roles through the redeployment pool will not be known until the job matching process is complete. Posts not filled via job matching will be available to surplus procurement staff first.
Job descriptions for the new organisation were issued on 13 January 2009. Organisation charts and information about the matching process had previously been issued (on 9 January). Staff have until 4 February to submit their job matching forms.
The Director of Procurement post will be subject to the normal selection process for senior civil service posts.
The job matching panel will consist of two senior managers within procurement and a representative from human resources from within the National Offender Management Service or central Ministry of Justice Human Resources. There will also be a member of staff from the Ministry of Justice part of procurement who will work with the panel members to verify the process. Senior managers will be called on as appropriate where additional information is required for specialist roles. The panel will identify staff who match roles in the new organisation.
Should senior managers be required to fill posts at a lower level, they will have protection, in line with current policies, in respect of their pay at the higher level. Staff have been advised of this both in writing and verbally.
Where this has been asked staff have been advised that this should be raised through line management. It will then be handled in line with departmental human resources policy.
Public interest transfer terms will apply where jobs are relocated and staff need to move. Affordability will also be taken into account in making decisions about relocating staff. This has been advised to staff.