Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary supplementary estimate, the Government Equalities Office departmental expenditure limit will increase by £1,000 from £83,602,000 to £83,603,000 and administration budget will increase by £4,001,000 from £4,085,000 to £8,086,000.
Within the departmental expenditure limit change, the impact on resource and capital is as set out in the following table:
Change New Departmental Expenditure Limit Voted Non-voted Total Voted Non-voted Total Resource 1 — 1 14,006 63,161 77,167 Of which: Administration 4,001 — 4,001 8,086 — 8,086 Near-cash — — — 14,005 62,773 76,778 Capital — — — — 7,000 7,000 Depreciation1 — — — — -564 -564 Total 1 — 1 14,006 69,597 83,603 1 Depreciation, which forms part of resource departmental expenditure limit, is excluded from the total departmental expenditure limit since the capital departmental expenditure limit includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
Resource departmental expenditure limit
The change in the resource departmental expenditure limit arises from a token increase to the administration forecast, where a Department’s expenditure within the estimate is wholly offset by income, so that a token amount of £1,000 is voted.
Administration costs limit
The movement in the administration cost limit arises from a funding exchange between the Government Equalities Office and Department for Work and Pensions, in which the Government Equalities Office has exchanged programme funding for administration funding, to ease the funding pressures arising from the creation of the Government Equalities Office as a stand alone Department.