Information is not available for the whole period mentioned, or in the form requested because reasons for cessation of pension are not routinely recorded. The principal reason for the cessation of a war disablement pension is death.
The following table provides the information that is available.
Total Death Reason not recorded Reduction in assessment2 2003 13,630 10,560 3,050 20 2004 13,055 10,240 2,800 15 2005 12,275 9,840 2,415 20 2006 11,535 9,535 1,985 15 2007 11,050 9,295 1,745 10 January to September 2008 8,125 6,840 1,280 5 1 Figures are rounded to the nearest 5 for data protection purposes. Due to rounding, figures may not add to totals. 2 The claimant was originally awarded at a disablement percentage of 20 per cent. or more and the disablement percentage decreased to below 20 per cent. following re-assessment on review or appeal.
In addition, rounded to the nearest five, five beneficiaries under the War Pension Polish Forces Scheme have lost their pension on return to live in Poland.