(a) Details of DFID's expenditure on opinion polling and focus groups in each complete financial year since 1997 are outlined in the following table. (iii) DFID may have commissioned other forms of market research as part of its development programme, however these costs are not held centrally and it would incur disproportionate cost to obtain them. Figures for 2008-09 are not yet available.
Focus groups Cost (£) Opinion polls Cost (£) 1997-98 OLR Baseline Study to explore existing attitudes to, and perceptions of Britain's international development programme 43,000 — — 1998-99 — — — — 1999-2000 — — ONS poll to monitor the opinion of the UK adult population to inform development education. 28,200 MORI poll to monitor the opinion of UK schoolchildren to inform and monitor impact of development education work. 14,700 Readership survey of “Developments” magazine, in order to test its impact and reach. 1,804 2000-01 — — ONS poll to monitor the opinion of the UK adult population on international development to inform, and monitor the impact of, our work on development awareness and education. 33,000 MORI poll to monitor the opinion of UK schoolchildren to inform and monitor impact of development education work. 14,629 2001-02 — — ONS poll to monitor the opinion of the UK adult population on international development used to inform, and monitor the impact of, our work on development awareness and education. 34,300 MORI poll to monitor the opinion of UK schoolchildren to inform and monitor impact of development education work. 11,515 2002-03 OLR focus group to analyse public understanding of international news stories. 38,427 ONS poll to monitor the opinion of the UK adult population on international development used to inform, and monitor the impact of, our work on development awareness and education. 31,880 MORI poll to monitor the opinion of UK schoolchildren to inform and monitor impact of development education work. 11,515 2003-04 OLR focus group research to explore ways of increasing understanding and support for international development in the UK. 50,309 ONS poll to monitor the opinion of the UK adult population on international development used to inform, and monitor the impact of, our work on development awareness and education. 32,990 MORI poll to monitor the opinion of UK schoolchildren to inform and monitor impact of development education work. 12,220 2004-05 — — ONS poll to monitor the opinion of the UK adult population on international development used to inform, and monitor the impact of, our work on development awareness and education. 32,990 MORI poll to monitor the opinion of UK schoolchildren to inform and monitor impact of development education work. 12,220 2005-06 ONS poll to monitor the opinion of the UK adult population on international development used to inform, and monitor the impact of, our work on development awareness and education. 41,766 MORI poll to monitor the opinion of UK schoolchildren to inform and monitor impact of development education work. 14,776 2006-07 — — ONS poll to monitor the opinion of the UK adult population on international development used to inform, and monitor the impact of, our work on development awareness and education. 37,740 MORI poll to monitor the opinion of UK schoolchildren to inform and monitor impact of development education work. 18,971 2007-08 Solutions Strategy Research. Qualitative research aimed at getting public opinions on ethical shopping, and the benefits it can bring to developing countries to inform, direct, and provide a factual basis for communications activity. 19,600 — — 2007-08 — — Taylor Nelson Sofres RSGB questions on omnibus survey to provide interim measure on concern about global poverty among UK adults to inform, direct, and provide a solid factual basis for communications on the work of DFID on fighting global poverty. 5,940 2007-08 Taylor Nelson Sofres annual attitudinal tracking survey into public perceptions of global poverty to inform, direct, and provide a factual basis for communications on the work of DFID on fighting global poverty. 47,500 2007-08 ICM quantitative research survey to measure UK adults' interest in shopping ethically and the benefits that it can bring to developing countries to direct, inform, and provide a factual basis for communications activity. 8,844 2007-08 Creative Research. Qualitative stage of audience segmentation research to inform, direct, and provide a factual basis for communications the work of DFID. 52,895.62 — — 2007-08 — — Taylor Nelson Sofres RSGB Quantitative research (questions on omnibus survey) to measure UK adults' interest in shopping ethically and the benefits that it can bring to developing countries. 7,400 2007-08 Ipsos Mori. Quantitative Stage of Audience Segmentation research, to inform, direct, and provide a factual basis for communications on the work of DFID. 137,818 2007-08 GfK NOP annual survey of young people's attitudes towards global poverty and development issues to inform, direct, and provide a factual basis for communications on the work of DFID. 23,745
(b) DFID has no agencies
(c) DFID has one non-departmental public body, the Commonwealth Scholarships Commission. The Commission has incurred no expenditure on opinion polling, focus groups or other forms of market research since 1997.