The information requested falls within the responsibility of the UK Statistics Authority. I have asked the authority to reply.
Letter from Karen Dunnell, dated March 2009:
As National Statistician, I have been asked to reply to your Parliamentary Question asking how many (a) men and (b) women were in (i) full-time and (ii) part-time employment in each of the last 12 months for which figures are available. [262427]
The requested information is shown in the attached table. This information is updated monthly as part of the Labour Market Statistics First Release and can be found on the Office for National Statistics website at the following address.
The estimates are derived from the Labour Force Survey. As with any sample survey, estimates from the LFS are subject to a margin of uncertainty.
Thousand People Men Women Period Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time November to January 2008 21,946 7,508 14,119 1,798 7,827 5,710 December to February 2008 21,996 7,498 14,141 1,789 7,855 5,709 January to March 2008 22,003 7,497 14,158 1,790 7,845 5,707 February to April 2008 22,009 7,497 14,164 1,795 7,846 5,701 March to May 2008 22,062 7,479 14,178 1,775 7,884 5,704 April to June 2008 22,013 7,492 14,132 1,805 7,881 5,687 May to July 2008 22,002 7,490 14,101 1,820 7,901 5,670 June to August 2008 21,910 7,509 14,029 1,838 7,881 5,671 July to September 2008 21,908 7,499 14,029 1,834 7,879 5,666 August to October 2008 21,880 7,497 13,983 1,845 7,897 5,652 September to November 2008 21,821 7,572 13,993 1,846 7,828 5,726 October to December 2008 21,829 7,532 13,969 1,860 7,860 5,672 1 Full-time and part-time employment is based on respondents' self-classification. Note: It should be noted that the above estimates exclude people in most types of communal establishment (e.g. hotels, boarding houses, hostels, mobile home sites etc). Source: Labour Force Survey