The running costs for CompeteFor are as follows:
Year 1 (December 2007 to March 2008) £220,000
Year 2 (April 2008 to March 09) projected at £1,241,000
The CompeteFor site has had 54,000 businesses register since launch in January 2008. is operated under a concession type contract whereby the supplier carries all of the commercial risk. Initial set up costs totalling £120,000 were borne by the Department of Trade and Industry in 2006. In 2008-09 BERR funded the provision of a free trial for businesses which ran between 1 May and 31 July 2008, at a cost of £110,310 (ex VAT). No other payments have been made in relation to the portal.
The breakdown of supplier registrations into financial year is as follows:
Year 1 (Launch to March 2007) - 43,050
Year 2 (April 2007 - March 2008) - 31,256
Year 3 (April 2008 - Jan 2009) - 50,872
Total registrants since launch to the end of January 2009 was 125,178.