(2) what estimate he has made of the number of households in West Lancashire constituency which will receive the (a) £250 and (b) £400 winter fuel payment in 2008-09.
In winter 2006-07, the latest winter for which we have information, my Department made 11,720 winter fuel payments to households in the constituency of West Lancashire with a member aged 60-79; and 2,890 winter fuel payments to households in the constituency of West Lancashire with a member aged 80 or over. I expect similar numbers of winter fuel payments to be paid in 2008-09.
Expenditure on winter fuel payments in the parliamentary constituency of West Lancashire in 2006-07 was £3.4 million. Actual expenditure data are not yet available for 2008-09 and forecasts of benefit expenditure are not produced below national level.
1. Figures rounded to the nearest 10.
2. Parliamentary constituencies and local authorities are assigned by matching postcodes against the relevant ONS postcode directory.
3. A small number of these households receive amounts higher than the usual rate for the household, where the household includes more than two individuals each entitled to payments at half of the usual household rate.
Information directorate 100 per cent data.